written by Greg Kotis, Mark Hollman | translated by Jan Tošovský, Lucie Málková music Í Greg Kotis, Mark Hollman Í set design Nikola Tempír | costumes Iva Němcová | litterary advisor Jan Tošovský | choreography Rosťa Novák, Jana Burmeistrová | conductor Daliboz Tuž
cast: all company of F.X. Šalda´s Theater in Liberec
It is a musical comedy which satirizes capitalism, social irresponsibility, populism, bureaucracy, corporate mismanagement, and petty small town politics. It also is a satire of the Broadway musical as a form. In reverse pantomime style, the unconventional plotline shatters audience expectations of a pleasant ending. The performance was awarded by best cultural event of the year in north bohemian region.
Opening night: 25th June 2010 in F.X. Šalda´s Theater in Liberec

"The musical performance speaks to the audience through the humor which is served reasonably and mainly, it is intelligent and elegant. Its obvious that Lucie Málková won’t lost in the future in this genre…” read more
Pavel Košatka, www.musical.cz, 29.12. 2012