written by Milan Uhde | music Miloš Štědroň set design Nikola Tempír | costumes Barbara Wojtkowiak | litterary advisor Jan Tošovský | choreography Alena Pešková | conductor Dalibor Tuž
cast: all company of F.X. Šalda´s Theater in Liberec
After successful musical cooperation on Urinetown, next musical staged in Theater F.X. Šaldy is the most famous Czech musical classic A ballad for a bandit. Musical based on the Czech novel from the twenties, it tells a story about a man living in poor condition after first world war in Mukacevo.This archetype of the honest bandit as Jánošík was, who tries to survive and feed the family, not to collaborate with new government and finally betrayed by the best friend is the evergreen on Czech stages. Here, the main question is asked: Who is he: A hero? A victim? Or a criminal?
Opening night: 25th March 2011 in F.X. Šalda´s Theater Liberec