written by Jostein Gaarder | translation Jarka Vrbková | adaptation by Matěj Samec set design and costumes Barbara Wojtkowiak | litterary advisor Matěj Samec | choreography Jana Ryšlavá
cast: Lenka Macharáčková, Lenka Pavlíčková, Ivo Marták, Jirka Krupica, Ondřej Beseda, Jana Zajacová and Veronika Macková
A theater adaptation on one of the most famous novel for young reader’s, The world of Sophia presents history of the philosophy through an extraordinary story of 15 year old girl Sophia Amundsen who get one day letter with a simple question: “ Who are you?” From this moment, a painful way from childhood to a the point of adultness takes place. Sophia’s world on our stage is an existentialist horror with happy end.
Opening night: 24th February 2012 in Puppet Theater Ostrava